Please stop using the term "All FUJOSHIS"
Fujoshi is another word for rotten girls Japanese term for female fans of manga, anime and novels that feature romantic relationships between men. As I Fujoshi I would ship fictional characters or famous kpop people. So when people around saying that all Fujoshis fantasize about gay men's that's totally wrong. I never in my life ship a gay person. I think most people are thinking that when Fujoshi see a gay couple they suddenly think it's the hot thing ever. Wrong. That only works if they are famous or handsome. My ship consider of straight fictional characters such as Naruto x Sasuke and DekuxTodoroki. I never in my life ship a gay person ever. So I find very disrespect when a person saying all Fujoshis like to ship gay people. Most Fujoshis shipping are considered of shipping straight handsome men's together. The overwhelming majority―up to 80%―of yaoi fans and creators are female, most of them heterosexual. There is a small male readership, who are referred to as fudanshi ('rotten boy'). BL have existed since the 1970s, the conception of a particular type of women, the fujoshi, associated with BL appeared in the early 2000s on 2-chan, a popular messaging board website in Japan. It is thought that the first appearance of the word, on the online message board 2channel, was used to refer to people who like to imagine or "ship" male-on-male romantic and sexual relationships between fictional characters, celebrities. So people are saying that all Fujoshis are fantasize about gay. That's wrong and false information not all Fujoshis do that's, please don't go around saying all Fujoshis do that. Most shipping is considered of straight anime/ Manga men's or famous people. I am sorry I just find it disrespect when people think all Fujoshis ship gay people. I could care less about a straight or gay people. I my ship are only people form anime. I don't ship people in real unless they are kpop artist. So don't around using the term "ALL FUJOSHIS ". I respect people and it's dead ass boring Shipping in real life.
All fujoshi's. HAHA
04 07,2021