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Just me or?! [Answer]
Lumi 04 07,2021
People are allowed to hate an arthors shitty story they put their "art" out there there are going to be people who enjoy it and people who find it disgusting that's just how it works and btw you're here too if it bothers you so much why don't you pay for the things you're getting for free here and help support those arthors with fucked up morals :)......   1 reply
04 07,2021
Just me or?! [Answer]
04 07,2021
Not reading all that, but congratulations on the baby!!!   2 reply
04 07,2021
Even if the reader is reading it illegally or legally, they're still gonna have some opinions about it, sometimes you can't control what the brain thinks of something. I'm not saying it's right, but that's just how humans are kiddo not all of us are pure, and sweet. God just decided it's boring without dickheads.   reply
10 07,2021
Just me or?! [Answer]
mushvrooooom 10 07,2021
Sending threats to authors/ people is NEVER okay. Having an opinion and expressing it is absolutely acceptable. That's it   1 reply
10 07,2021
Just me or?! [Answer]
Yuii 10 07,2021
I agree even if they payed to read it no one should receive death threats or hate on someone or a group of people because they like that authors work, if its not your peice of cake move along   reply
10 07,2021

shitting on manhwa

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