Would you rather be a God or a Human?
Who you rather be a God have all the power you could ever want and be immortal, or would you rather be a weak short-lived human?
Personally, I'd rather be human. The reason for that is simple, the only difference between Gods and Humans is their power and lie span. Sure Gods have their own domains they rule over and are immortal, but that would get boring pretty fast. yes, It would be cool to be above so many people and to not fear death, but at the same time, that's what's fun about being human.
This I suppose also plays into what you believe will happen after you die, I personally believe in reincarnation.
I would rather be an ever-changing short-lived Human than an Immortal god who doesn't really change. What I mean by ever-changing is, when you die you get reborn into a completely new person, a God doesn't do that, they stay the same person with the same memories and with the same power.
That's what's fun about being Human, I may have a shitty life right now, but in my next life I could be an Emperor with no cares in the world, or I could be a starving peasant who will die and nobody will notice, or maybe I'll just be normal, nobody interesting but not boring. The possibilities are endless, and that's what's so fun about it.
I'd also get sick of seeing the same person for enternity. I'd get sick of having the same job, and I'd get sick of the power. Even as a god you can't escape the hierarchy, there will always be someone above you, and personally, I'd be so frustrated with that. I'm supposed to be this all-powerful being and yet I'm still stuck under someone. Like no but thanks for the offer.
Anyway, I was just thinking about that. I'd love to know what your thoughts are.