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I’m really sorry that’s happened to you, I can understand what you’re feeling though as I’ve had something almost similar happen. It’s like you become a stranger in your own home. In all my years of reading it, I can proudly say no. Never been caught. I am pretty open about it though. My best friend and I will recommend each other stuf......   1 reply
02 11,2019
Well, first of all, you shouldn't feel guilty for being who you are or doing what you love. I have tried being caught reading yaoi and I felt embarrassed but then soon after, I got over it. It's what I'm interested in and if they don't like what I do, then that is their problem. It's not like they're going to die just because I'm reading something ......   reply
04 11,2019
Get caught by friend? Yes.. Many time and I feel normal. But one day my sister cought me 'liking yaoi post in social media'. I tried to tell her that she is wrong, and.. She trusts me ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚i really glad, if she don't.. Maybe will be a war in my house. my parents are religious people, if my sister tell about it, I will die i......   reply
04 11,2019