Tell me a cringe moment of u all
So, I was in that meeting with my classmates, whose I just met, and, our seniors asked me If I received a nickname...
You see, I'm a really shy person, so I don't talk normally with ppl when I'm nervous... And my dumb self, in order to get over my nervousness just answered with an "I didn't received any yet, but u can just call me pretty"...
Yep... The whole group kept in silence for a long, long time... And then they just made as if nothing happened... Now I'm super embarrassed and can't get over this shit...
So, can u guys tell me an embarrassing moment of yourself?! ┗( T﹏T )┛
This is when I was younger and had never seen an edible before.
So one time my Mother had made edible lasagna and at the time I had just woken up and was feeling hungry so I decided, hey lets grab the wrapped up lasagna and ignore the leftovers from last nights dinner. At first I had grabbed it and got two HUGE pieces and I mean HUGE. I go upstairs......
02 07,2021