idk if it's only in my country or what but, have you ever experienced the tradition like?? in the very first you found you got your period, you tell our mom, and she will tell you to do something. First, you to jump a 3-4 stage stairs 3 or 4 times( i forgot), then you grab your panty that has your first blood period and wet it , then rub it to your face 3x( like literally, all over your fucking face!! ew!!) the reason you rub it to your face is for you not to grow pimples.
i experienced it and it was fucking gross;.; ヽ(`Д´)ノ
it was torture, i throw up and my mom slapped me lmao, i pretended that i rub it on my face but i didn't, maybe that's why i have pimples jk :'> 1 reply