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I don't seek tragedies per say but I enjoy slice of life mangas a lot. Not necessarily when a lot of people die and it becomes overwhelming but a death or two in a story creates a bittersweet, "real" ending that actually makes me feel. I hate emotions but in real life I'm an objective logical person who rarely lets things get to them and sometimes ......   1 reply
11 10,2019
As a person who absolutley craves stories that deal with tragedy and difficult themes, I feel like I can answer this question for you! I understand why some people would avoid reading tragic stories. As an emotional person myself, I whole heartedly can sympathise with the desire to steer clear from things that leave you feeling torn or broken. Ive ......   2 reply
11 10,2019
The reason why mangas that has tragedy as it's biggest and most contributing genre are some of my absolute favourite is because I can either relate to the isolation and lonleness a character experiences. To me, tragic endings in a series is like going outside and breathing in the fresh forest air. I want to cry along with the story and feel like I......   reply
01 11,2019
I've gotten hooked on the melancholic feeling from reading tragedy. Love tragedies, more specifically. I'm guessing its an emotion born from my own intense desire to find love and a soulmate. The pain i get in my heart when i read love tragedies (especially the ones where the protagonist gets betrayed by their love) is an emotion that I feel is rel......   reply
11 10,2019
I avoid tragedies like the plague, they tend to be overwhelming, at least to me, those who enjoy them, more power to you, I for one cannot watch them, long ago I watch an anime called Chrono Crusade, didn't know it was a tragedy, when I finished it, i was balling like a baby, I never felt so much emotion from watching a show before, I often prefer ......   reply
11 10,2019
I don't seek them out per se, but I do enjoy them...if enjoy is the right word. Not because I like tragic things but because I like to be emotionally ripped apart. Crying is therapeutic for me. Bittersweet endings are good for that too. They make you feel so shitty and so, like, WHY??? Exasperated? Frustrated? The last tragic thing I really got in......   reply
11 10,2019
Because so-called happy endings can be far more depressing of course. Imagine a child growing up and watching romantic movies or reading romantic books where the main character is bullied by the other main character while the supporting characters always take the side of the bully. Now imagine that child wishing that the two would not end up togeth......   1 reply
11 10,2019
I feel like I have to keep up appearances in the real world and act strong or stable all the time, but truth to be told I am very emotional and turbulent, and I love getting lost in a world of utter despair to remind myself every once in a while that I'm not an emotionless vampire, and I can shed a tear here and there in the safety of my home. Trag......   1 reply
11 10,2019
reposting here cuz im dumb. for me, i think i started liking traged much much more when i feel the emotions better with that pang especially when i was undergoing such depressing phase. it's like u're depressed but then u cant feel? you lack interest in anything and then u want to feel something strong and when you reas angst stories, the manifes......   reply
11 10,2019
I don't read tragedy often and neither do I seek it everytime I am trying to find some manga to read but sometimes I do read them and I have liked them cause they sorta reflect how life isn't something perfect and will not always go the way you wanted it to.Yea it might not be easy to get over the deaths and characters going through hard time but a......   reply
11 10,2019