kind of
The first one I ever tried was Kiyoko from Madoka Magica, but it didn't really go well. I didn't want to spend a bunch of money on her magical girl outfit, so I got a green hoodie and jean shorts and boots instead. I did buy the wig, but the ponytail was so heavy that it kept pulling the wig off my head, and I couldn't for the life of me get it to stay on, even with about 10 billion bobby pins and clips. So I just went to the con in my non-costume. I still had fun, but it was pretty disappointing, especially since I saw girls who actually went the whole way with the Kiyoko costume. The second time I did it, I went as Winry from FMA. I have the same hair color as her, and back then my hair was around the same length too, so that was a pretty easy costume. This year I'm planning to go to a con in Tampa as Yuri Plisetsky, both because we're actually the same person, and because again, my hair is already the same as his and I had his Bosco Russia jacket from before I even knew about the show, so I basically already have everything prepared. It's actually kind of scary how much I resemble this fictional Russian boy. I even speak Russian.