Sharing a yaoi by a mistake

[DELETED] [DELETED] 2019-09-27 13:57:10 About sharing a yaoi by mistake
Okay here it comes.
Instead of sharing my notes with my friend I shared links of a yaoi and it was with... You know... Character was getting closer... My friend was busy and she send it to her boyfriend to save it. Then they both... Saw it. I realised what I had done so late. I don’t think I can explain how I feeling rn. Gahahahah lmfao. Whatever I guess I had to stop being fujoshi at this age.(╯°Д °)╯╧╧


lisjung April 23, 2020 6:26 am

I feel ya. Been through a similar embarrassment but I sent rated text to my family group instead of a friend's chat. At the time I messed up and deleted the message only to myself, not to others. Yeah ╥﹏╥ But you don't have to stop being a fujoshi, just be careful from now on

but why April 23, 2020 6:00 am

fdjgdfj how did they react??? hopefully they were chill and didn't get too weirded out... after all it's not the worst thing all of us could be into

Kyaaaaaaaaa April 23, 2020 4:40 am

I just want to offer my sincerest apologies and I hope you can get thru this man


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