fucking try me (kindly)
i saw a question where they were arguing about shota shit so i kinda wanna argue with you guys...
i think that people can separate fiction and nonfiction and that incest and shota/loli are valid genres (but tbh i read all that shit on MRM)
ah also i'm a minor if that matters
and on the topic of incest the genre is awesome and i don't like it when people call straight incest (in fiction) wrong and then turn around and read gay incest like??? where'd all that spunk go? ah but i like all incest (in fiction) so i'm probably the worst automatically
yeah so uh go ahead :)
Incest is disgusting so is the sexualization of shotas/lolis also you may not know this but just because you’re a minor doesn’t mean you can’t be a pedophile. I will leave it at that
1 reply
24 06,2021