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24 06,2021
Write them, read them (like a small part) Then try to explain that to myself like I'm teaching someone And for the parts, which I don't understand, I try to google that topic , if that doesn't help I try asking my friends   reply
24 06,2021
It helps to know your learning style. If you area visual learner (need to see something to have it stick) the coloured highlighters can help. You may want to look for pictures, examples, videos and diagrams to supplement learning. If you remember best by listening then read your study notes aloud to yourself. Record them and play back while you......   reply
24 06,2021
ryuzy 24 06,2021
I just asked my friends to share their notes and copy them all   reply
24 06,2021
I don't study I just wing it (^_-)-☆   reply
24 06,2021
24 06,2021
Attend all the lectures and write down whatever the teacher/professor is explaining regarding the topics. Review and extract notes out of the powerpoint material provided. Google words you don't know the meaning off from the power point provided and even from the notes. Google topics written in your powerpoint and look at the articles and wikis......   reply
24 06,2021
I write them, then I circle the keywords over and over again until I memorize it(I usually let the circles get darker for it to emphasize the word even more)   reply
24 06,2021
24 06,2021
I don't even make notes unless my teacher told me to do it. I just do exercises, use sticky notes to write notes on the questions that idk the answer so that I don't need to open ref books every time I do revision, and that's pretty much it   reply
24 06,2021


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