Opinion about incest

Lucub Lucub 2021-06-23 11:52:45 About y'all opinion about incest
Both agree and disagree.
In reality..

Well, incest is really really bad but I think incest is only bad because most of it was forced, raped and doesn't had a consensual that makes it a freakin' abuse and gives a trauma to the victim.

The society always says that incest is bad so some of us were influence by it and when we saw someone having an incest relationship, we got really have a weird feeling and disgusted.

Plus, the science also says that the incest is bad since if the person with the same genes f***ed and had a freakin' baby, it will affect the baby and had some serious illnesses. That's why they say that it should be avoid.

But let's think also if there's consensual in the relationship, there would be nothin' wrong about it, right? I mean if they have no really problem with it, then maybe it's okay. I have no right to judge them.


Anyways, if it's about in the fictional story that had a incest relationship and you're disgusted by it, just don't read it. Learn how to seperate the reality and fiction. If you can't then fvck off.

I don't support incest, I just respect them tho (not those assholes who rapes)


beguille June 23, 2021 11:59 am

consent is valid when its about only two people. in an incest relationship, it does not matter if theres a consent or not. can you get the consent of an unborn baby? can you make sure there won't be any babies? can you get the consent of your whole next generation for fucking their genes up? well, you cannot. that is why incest is one of the most evil things in the earth. theres no way a good person would respect shit like that.

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