Okay bitch you just got hit by truck-chan
What ideal manga/anime/movie/etc do you want to be in and why?
You get to bring 2 people you know personally(can be a friend or enemy no family members) OR you can bring 6 objects with you(books,phone,ect BUT if it's a book about the world it will start to change the words so you won't be able to read it for help) who will the people or what will the objects be and why?
What is the first thing you do?
Who would you try to meet first(keep in mind you can't FLUENTLY speak the language only enough where you can hold somewhat long conversations) and how would you approach them?
What would your 5 year plan be(from most important to least important)?
You and the fl/ml(whoever you want to be with) are able to have a romantic relationship BUT it would be 80% harder than normal how would you try to get into a relationship with him/her/them keep in mine you CAN have a poly relationship but the people you chose will be able to fall in love with each other and leave your ass and try to either kill you themselves or hire a assassin (but that ONLY if they chose each other over you)?
Sorry for the bad language English isn't my 1st language
maybe carol and tuesday world- it's so cool and u can be gay/queer there without being judge, and of course AI and high-tech equips cuz i'm a techno biatch
1 reply
22 06,2021