Is this normal for a mangagoer?
I'm starting to be less active on here than i was before
When i first started i was ALWAYS on this site 24/7
I was always checking latest updates and adding more and more to my list (hence the 300+ on my want to read list and reading list, oop) but lately i've actually been spending less and less time on here
And i've been missing a LOT of fantasy (good thing i can count on bureau of investigaytion's account for that, if ykyk
Like i've been getting lazier and lazier on here
Well of course i still go fantasy hunting-
But its not really like before where i would go to latest updates and scroll for hours on end just to find new things to read
Is this normal for a mangagoer or what?-
Bestie same so I started switching to myreadingmanga, you should try it! It’s has a a lot of fantasy, beastality, necrophiliacs or a 16 inch duck, you want it just name it
1 reply
21 06,2021