l'm crying right now cause I just saw some post that they are kids in india getting r@p3d cause that can cure they're "homosexuality" and the comments in that post were agreeing or just saying that it's good or they don't care cause they're Christian like wtf??? they're fucking children your making them suffer for life just over the fact being attracted to the opposite gender I really hope those people who think like that dies it doesn't matter no person should ever go through that and to ever who's in the lgbtqa+ community there I just want to know that I love you it's hard living in a world like this full of stupid and dumb people you deserve all the love in this world don't ever apologize for being who you are also please stay safe there are lots of bad people filled with so much hatred don't hesitate to punch someone if ever a thing like that tried to attack you anyways love you so much
this is sickening. wtf HOLD ME BACK I might go to India and hospitalize them-
Can cure 'homosexuality'? how about I cure your mindsets. Whoever is feeling anxious about this rn don't worry bb we're here for you and we'll give you love. reply