6th grade love

^-^ ^-^ 2021-06-20 21:44:28 About when did u first fall in love
lol in 6th grade i had a crush on this girl, we were in the same 1st period class and we would talk but only when theres a couple of our friends with us because we would've been akward . anyways she dated my friend so i had to put my feelings aside then they broke up in like 7 months ill be a shitty friend to him if dated her so... i still had feelings for her like hella but then covid happend and i didn't go to school for the whole year and then my friend told me that her type is LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE OF ME AND THAT SHE USED ME TO GET WITH MY FRIND (her ex bf now) i hate life


Mikey&Chifuyu's Towel June 21, 2021 2:26 am

what a tragic story, cheer up and have sum tea

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