We have 5 yrs of age difference since I'm the senior most student and he's a young tutor. He's my first love and is pretty popular with girls. But he's always so formal and a polite teacher. Pretty feminine at times. I, myself is considered cute (flirted with a few heart-throb of girls' celebrities but even then, I didn't know wht love is). Everyone who actually know me always tell me that the guy I fall for is such a lucky guy. After 3 months, I decided to gather my courage and confess. Since the exams r next month and I don't want to leave with regrets. I was ready for the rejection and waited for the chance. Till this point, I feel like I'm some shoujo manga heroine from Sensei x Kyoshi categories. That day, I got all dressed up, did my hair

and prepared a box with all my feelings ( My illustrations

). But when I arrived to the tuition, he wasn't there. The staff, who is like his mom called me and said he doesn't want to teach our class anymore since it's uncomfortable. He noticed I was going to confess. No matter how prepared I was for the rejection, I wasn't prepared for this. Altough I was so scared, I gather all my courage and tried to convey them... but got rejected before I even got a chance to. My feelings r a burden for him... unlike all those mangas I read. What a fool
I don't blame the guy. People are too clingy these days. I don't know you personally so I'm not judging but from my own experience, some people did confess to me but I rejected them... Then they went on to badmouth me and spread bad rumours. That's why I also just stay away from confessions. Of course your feelings are a burden to him. He's older than you. We all know that big age gaps in relationships have a bad limelight. He could've been accused of pedophilia. That's why it's best to avoid you. Just as you said this is reality not some shoujo manga. He didn't ask you to have feelings for him.
You guys can't blame that guy. This is not a shoujo manga, this is real life. Respect people's titles and feelings.
the next guy you meet deffo wont be a coward
He calls himself a teacher? Leaving a student in a hard time by herself? Teachers should guide their students and help to get through difficulties, not run away from them! You, at the very least, deserved a chance to convey your feelings and get an honost answer. That's my opinion. Don't loose your confidence over this and I hope you'll have more luck in the future.
PS: It was a brave decision to confess. I had a crush on a teacher in my last year as well. Never confessed though, since the guy was married.
Omay gawddd, whatta coward. He expected you to confess that's why he left uhhh, i may not have any experien on love but im sure that even if your just gonna confess your feelings, and still he left knowing that fact is a pretty DICK of a move for me urgh... I feel bad hope u find someone whose brace enough for you. Like srsly ~_~
I'm feeling sorry for you.....Don't worry life is strange always go in opposite and an unexpected way we expect (T_T) Be courage
- A piece of advice from an ugly introvert