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Yaoi? [Answer]
08 09,2019
In 4th grade I started watching anime with a focus on titty animes since I thought that was just how anime is since it's all they had on Netflix at the time, then in 5th-6th grade (I'm now in 11th) I was looking for new anime to watch and I saw Love Stage! I only decided to watch it because I thought the uke was a woman and as I started getting int......   reply
08 09,2019
Yaoi? [Answer]
30 10,2019
I was around 13 when I read 'Love Stage'. thought it was a normal romance and i didnt read the bio lol. really enjoyed it and moved on from there (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   reply
30 10,2019
Yaoi? [Answer]
29 12,2019
I was around 11ish at the time and I was getting into anime. I somehow managed to start watching Love stage thinking it was any average anime but I realised it was gay as I watched tbh it kinda spooked me since I had had minimal to no exposure to gay guys in media. I eventually found out more about "yaoi" and then got on to classics like sekaichi h......   reply
29 12,2019
Yaoi? [Answer]
bookboy42 30 12,2019
So I actually came to yaoi gradually, for me it all started when I was in about 9th grade (about 14-15, for you non American folks). I was on this site called Funnyjunk, and found Scandinavia and the World (for those that don't know: I thought it was hilarious, cause it is, and read it all. As you may or may not know, the c......   reply
30 12,2019

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