The first time I ever heard of these bullies was when a friend sent me these screen shots in late May 2021. This is the first time I've posted these screen shots, which were the beginning of their "cancel party" against me. In the posts below, Ottoke is now Nictophile, Sunflower Overlord is now O_Doppio.

I was shocked to see that they had found my very obscure webtoon, which I had left quietly on Line, not to be shown to the public yet, but to keep up my motivation to keep going, and for the feedback from other artists and writers. Line was gracious enough to allow to do this. These people who found my webtoon aren't people who are just curious to see my work. They are people hostile toward me, out to have a "cancel party," with me as their target. Why? For no other reason than they disagree with my opinions. There's nothing wrong with what I think about controversial subjects like rape in fiction and fantasy. They simply aren't the exact same as the group who believes that all opinions must line up with their exact doctrine from the gospel of Cancel Culture.
This group of people target other members whose opinions deviate from theirs. I think I'm their first really big fish in that I have a webcomic they could exploit, take screen shots of and photoshop them into something ugly. They could cut it all up to their friends, invite many people to a topic here under "Thing," where they waged all-out war against me, accusing me of things I'd never do or say. They influenced all the people they had invited, to click the link, go to my webcomic, and downrate it, sight unseen. They managed to get 33 people on the day of this meeting and a hundred others the same week to downrate my webcomic to a 2.7 rating.
The art on my webcomic is the product of many hours of hard work. I don't think you can imagine how precious it is to me, and it's my personal life's work. I wish you guys had thought twice before perpetrating this awful situation against me. Disagreeing with me as an excuse to desecrate my art - the one doesn't justify the other imo.
Over several days their "discussions" raged on. The topics had names like "Quicksilver Pussy" and "Shut the Fuck Up Quicksilver" and many others, some of which they continue to post. As soon as mangago could take one down one, another would pop up. The people who arranged all this invited many people by pm to come to their exposure and cancelling party.
They took clips of things I said and made a huge list of links as proof of me being a horrible person who "supports rape." Nothing can be further from the truth. The remarks were out of context, but the more I looked through them the more they exonerated me of the wrongdoing and wrong opinions they were accusing me of.
If you're interested, I have talked about my opinions on my profile: they had no problem with exposing my information, my webcomic address, my profile, out of context things I said, I'm going to say the names of these people: Sunflower Overlord aka O_Doppio, Sticky Socks, Sleepy aka Sleepa, Um-, Otokko aka Nictophile, BaldSangwoo, and others. As I recall the names, I'll post them here, but these are the main perpetrators.
At this late date they're claiming that I started it by harassing them first. LOL I had never heard of these people, and I certainly couldn't be bothered to individually harass people. When this started I was where I usually was, in the It's A Sunny Day Again Comment Section, not in the forum area where these people reside but in the reading section.
There's so much more to the story, but I'll leave it at that for now.
Some of us are opposed to compelling people's speech by law to use certain pronouns. Some people are VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED TO FORCING PEOPLE TO BETRAY THEIR OWN RIGHTS TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Someone can protest a law that is unjust by not obeying it. It doesn't make them transphobic. It might mean that their priority is to be a proponent of free speech. It's peaceful protest. It's a matter of conscience, and you are not the keeper of anyone's soul but your own.
A person can have the opinion that a male wrestler competing against women is wrong, especially when his female opponent's skull was cracked. I'm opposed to women being injured by biological men in sports. I can have that opinion without being transphobic. Anyone can have an opinion that might be wrong in another person's eyes. That doesn't make them worthless non-people. Someone can also be homophobic or anything else. It doesn't make them evil. Sometime it's an opportunity for YOU to be kind, humble, and patient, and to enlighten a person with knowledge they might not have and relieve them of their burden of ignorance. What it isn't is an excuse to use someone as a scapegoat.
If you force those with opposing views into a dark closet, their objections and fears will never be voiced, and no one will ever evolve.
ok transphobe
its called lacking human decency by being a transphobe, accidentally using the wrong pronouns without knowing which ones the person prefers and messing up every now and then is alr but straight up refusing to use it even tho the person told you is wrong
You stated that as if you think you're god. what the hell? No, it's not called lacking anything. It's called an opinion, and I'm entitled as a human being to have one. Maybe I need to remind you that you are speaking to a human being, that you're not always right, and that it's attitude is snide and smug. I'd rather be opinionated than be like you.
I said that I would be happy to use someone's pronouns among friends. Just because all your little friends agree with you, it doesn't mean you've actually clarified your position. All you've done is be a rude ass.
This shit Is wilddddddd anygays i take they made quite an impression 2 years ago
Nothing needs an explanation. They are called opinions. The explanation is the discussion itself. open minded people are always open to new knowledge.
Sleepy, I am the victim. Rewriting history is not valid. Telling you that rape is a hot fantasy and that you should try it is not the same as telling you to go out and get raped. You say I insulted you? fine. that doesn't justify a lynching
I'm asking again, don't block me or don't talk to me. pick one
“ rape is a hot fantasy and that you should try it”
“go out and get raped”
Im sorry, i had some respect for a fellow artist, but i think it just vanished. I know this is just a reply, but you really, really, really shouldnt tell someone to just “try” rape.
I know i dont have the context of the situation, but thas a bit much-
what? what's wrong with telling someone to fantasize?
this makes me mad. how does 'try fantasizing" turn into "go out and get raped?"
the two fukin things are not even related. wtf??
Are you saying you're opposed to someone fantasizing? Are you saying that you think it's better to tell someone to go out and get raped than to fantasize in the privacy of their own home? that makes NO sense. That's wrong and immoral.
Since I have no idea what you're talking about, I'll tell you this much: I never told anyone to go out and get raped, so explain yourself please.
Maybe like the person above you just want to get in good with this gang of bullies and droogs.
The artists I know in the comic book industry are nice to one another and willing to cut one another ten miles of slack. They treat other artists with respect and acceptance. I've signed posters at comic book conventions when everyone is busy as shit, and if another artist comes over their table, they're going to drop everything and give their fellow artist top priority. I'm the same way, so I don't know why I'm not getting anything even close to a bit of slack from you. I'm not seeing the fellow artist at all. What I'm seeing is you ignoring the meaning of the truth and going with a ton of prejudice and lies. Have fun with your new friends. There's a lot of them, and if you stay in line with exactly their rules, you'll be treated fine. If you don't, watch out. Your art could end up stolen by some high school kid who clips it off the internet and turns it in as their high school art assignment.
keep kissing their asses by treating the artists they don't like as dirt under your feet, and you'll do fine.
nothing to say, huh?
You deleted her comment because you know for a fact that she's right, you deleted her comment of explaining this entire situation before linking it, how do you feel knowing that you're a literal clown?
For fuck's sake, she told you she was uncomfy with that yet you still shove your "fantasy" down her throat.
I don't know which comment you're referring to, but I can assure you, I didn't delete it because I knew she was right. If it's the one where these people sought me out to argue with me in the comment section where they knew they could find me, then no, it wasn't deleted by me. It was deleted by the op, which annoyed the hell out of me, and the person who told them to delete it was one of your pals. um- has part of the conversation about the stupid accusation in an album, and it completely exonerates me of saying anything to anyone about going out and getting raped. In fact I said it was not something to do in rl.
"uncomfy" is baby talk. what the fck fantasy are you talking about?
I want to expose sleepe's lies. I never told anyone to "go out and get raped." Blatant lie. There's not one bit of truth there. Sleepe totally fabricated that lie. The truth doesn't matter to her.
You learned so much in the month I had to be aware of your existence... Which equates to nothing. This isn't harassment. Your 50+comments of my page however, is. BTW I'm gonna repeat myself, I am not deleting shit and I'm not forced to forgive you in any way, since you've continued to spread lies about me behind my back.
You can regret posting your webtoon info here now, but you still did it first, you can't accuse me, um-, sleepy, ottoke or whoever the fuck of doxxing. Still waiting that proof of whoever leaking your e-mail too btw... Or didn't you just admit to um- that it was fake?
Also you have explained one instance of every single things you've said, which is "men don't rape men". Still waiting on explanations on:
"trigger warnings are political", "catcalls are compliments", "who cares if we fetishize", "biological men don't belong in women's sport" (whoah, I didn't know you were a "biological" woman doing sports competitions to judge!), "lgbtqxwhatever", "I do hate women sometimes", "I'm a rape apologist for the rapists in yaoi stories", "I think women should be a LOT more careful about saying things about men, sounding off about rape and harassment all the time around men", " If you really were raped, yes, report it. If you were in a "situation," you have to use a ton of discernment. It's better to know in advance that no one is going to be loving and sympathetic toward you about it, maybe a girlfriend or two, but that's the extent of it. You're causing massive disruption in the lives of the adults around you when they have to do something about a situation. and when they know they're going to have to destroy a life around a problem. Any man accused of rape, abuse, or harassment is going to experience a kind of death where his whole life, everything he is, is destroyed because of an accusation. It doesn't have to be true for this to happen", "people who have ADHD don't do that (thanks for assuming I'm faking BTW :)), "I find it relaxing to crush guys like you"...
I'm not gonna list all of them, I lost enough time, but you get my point do you?
You are completely to blame for the entire shit that happened with my webcomic so suck it. No matter how you and your thugs squirm and wiggle and try to ooze your way out of taking responsibility for what you did, you're never going to convince me, yourselves, or anyone that you didn't do anything wrong, liar
all of that is your own twisted fabrication made up by you to make me look bad. You're also abusing people, me included. You're abusive towards people's trauma and their gender.
You and your lying friends are completely to blame for what happened with my webtoon.
You and your friends lie all the time. You're a horrible person. You have no integrity, and I hate you for what you did in connection with my art and my webtoon.
I also hate you for all your other utterly stupid accusations. How bout you back the hell off? I'm entitled to my opinion, and you shouldn't be trying to bully me or any of your other victims,. and I'm tired of your sleazy, mealy mouthed cowardly accusations. go to hell
I can't believe I accidentally posted this under "thoughts about rape in fiction" LOL I really don't know my way around this part of mangago. Please excuse. LOL
sticky socks, you're the ones who started this cancel party, which was wrong of you. Now you have me over here on the forum side because you forcibly introduced me to it. I was minding my own business in the reading section before your attack.
Covering my tracks by saying please pardon does not an apology make. I hope you don't forgive me or anyone. I see you leading a lonely life.
Again, my webtoon link was not in that album. It never was. EVER. That's a lie. The information on how to get to my webtoon was not complete. It's a lie that it was simple. Some stalking and investigating had to be done on you people's parts.
Yup. It was fake. and? I'm laughing at you.
That ridiculous accusation "Men don't rape men." was asked and answered. Within context it was a general phrase said between two other qualifying phrases. Also, everyone learned in sex ed that men can and do rape men. Willfully misunderstanding is on you, not me.
You're the one wasting your time on me. What's your goal? You think you'll get rid of me because of your childish propaganda crusade? No way. I hate your ideas, beliefs, and your way of intimidating people with them. I'll speak against your infantile tyranny all I want.
All of you try to rewrite history, but look at you, ganging up again. You're
clique full of bullies. You need to stand on your own two feet if you want to be treated like adults. Don't forget. you don't have a right to be in our space.
Babe you got the wrong person, I never incited anything until you showed up on my page. Proof, you have no fucking screens of me. But you know, if you insist on keeping my name here when I did nothing wrong, guess I'll just have to continue warning people about you. Don't blow up at me, it's your own stupidity and childishness that got you here.
actually it was OhDopio who started it along with Ottoke as far as I know.
I do have screens of you
LOL such a liar
lol threats again
by you I meant plural you. you - dopey, you, otooke, kinvlnd, um-, sleepy, baldy
you're the oneS who started this
and I can't stand you, your ugly pfp, your condescending, snide, overbearing, LYING self-deluded jackass self
you know what, stupid? You were on my page before I visited yours. and you were in the same discussions the rest of your gossipy friends were from the start. liar.
You're a bully and a con artist. You stop talking to me. stop making shit up about me. stop writing tea stuff about me. stop lying about your involvement in all this shit against me. You were in on it the whole time. I'll be more than happy to prove it by putting your lies up and putting the proof that you're a liar right up next to it.
Lose the hostile organized crime voice, the threats, the bullshit, the rudeness. Stop whining at me about your stupid diagnosis like I should treat you like a human being or take you seriously. What, I should be civil to you about your adhd? When were you ever civil to me about any damned thing? so, no. Shut up, stop threatening me, and leave me the fuck alone.
And if I want to say shit to you or anyone, I fucking will, so stop trying to order me around. I don't take orders from you, you sorry fucking crybaby asswipe
???? can you leave them the fuck alone? stop making a 100 comment thread on one reply like bro are you actually this overdramatic and bitchy stop whining
blocked. idiot