3 guy friends in my life and all of them confuse me for entertainment

haruka haruka 2019-08-27 06:42:18 About boys are confusing
INCOMING personal RANT ABOUT MY GUY FRIENDS AND THEIR CONFUSING BEHAVIORS. read at your discretion. Maybe you have similar experiences.

A lot of people like to say that women are confusing and I agree that we are to some degree, but man, I’ve never been more confused in my life by my guy friends. Guys can be just as confusing. I like things blunt and straightforward. If you have something to say then say it. My guy friends are the opposite and it’s so confusing because it feels like they’re leading me around in a circle of some lies, some truths, and maybe mostly half-assed jokes. Here’s the background. Guy A is my crush. Guy B and C are his friends (side note; guy B and I have a somewhat rocky relationship. We have funny arguments a lot. Guy A is the shield that keeps us from ripping each other’s heads off and the glue that keeps us from drifting apart completely.) In high school I liked to joke around a lot with Guy A and bother him to death because I liked being around him. Here’s the confusion. It doesn’t seem like he liked me but Guy B and Guy C always teased him when I was around. I suspect the teasing had its origin and it’s that my crush also liked me a little bit too. A substory while all of this is happening is they also insisted Guy C had a crush on me. Guy C had quit school a few years prior due to personal issues and I hadn’t seen him in a while so I didn’t put too much thought into that. By graduation, I confessed because I thought I had the right suspicion about Guy A. It turns out no, my crush didn’t like me. He never reciprocated my feelings and seemed to be ignoring it completely. Mind you I confessed face to face, not over text. I actually put some effort. But alas, I was still rejected. After graduation, I stopped caring because that part of my life was over with. Guy A and B and I still chat. At this point Guy C feels more like an acquaintance rather than a friend. Still, Guy A and B insist Guy C had a crush on me. So being the blunt person that I am, I confronted him. He confessed he did like me, but like a friend. So there goes another confusion. Why were guy A and B teasing me about it if Guy C didn’t actually like me? The teasing and the half-assed jokes about who liked whom continued. I was honestly getting tired of it because it felt like they were using me as entertainment. Like telling me all these things and confusing me was funny. Maybe it genuinely was to them but to me it was tiring and hurtful. Then, another confusion. Guy A and Guy C start insisting Guy B had a crush on me. This was a few months into freshmen uni. Once again, I confronted him. I was no going to have any of their bullshit again. He confessed that he did like me romantically. I recall a moment back in high school when Guy A and B were acting suspiciously. At that time Guy A was telling me Guy B had “something to say” to me. I was still love struck by Guy A back then and completely thought he was using Guy B to confess his love. In retrospect, that was probably when Guy B had initially wanted to confess his feelings for me but he knew I liked Guy A and so ended up not saying anything. Refer back to the side note in the beginning. I’d only ever have funny arguments with Guy B and never saw him that say so I rejected him and offered to stay friends. We agreed on that. (Side note again for later, At the time of the confrontation, Guy B had a girlfriend or, he recently broke up with her. He insisted he only dated her because she was similar to me.) But the teasing continued. Just yesterday, after not speaking to any of them for 1 and a half years, Guy B reached out asking if I wanted to go watch a movie with him, Guy A, C and his ex. I agreed to because it was a group thing. If it had only been Guy B, I would have not agreed. I didn’t want to give him hopes of any kind, it would be cruel to blindly accept the offer, don’t you think? The ex bailed on us last minute so it was only Guy B, A, C, and I. It was unfortunate, I wanted to meet her and see for myself how she looked like. Her speech pattern in the text messages actually reminded me of myself. The blunt, hard, and honest kind of speech. I wondered if that was the “similarity” we had together? As the ex, she was super close to all of them. (I suspect Guy A likes her but who really knows, he’s still super confusing) Their relationship reminded me of when it was them and I in high school again. I was slightly jealous but logically, the 1 and a half year made us grow apart and I’m okay with where our friendship stands.

The moment I entered the car, Guy A says, “you know Guy C talks about you all the time,”. Was that a lie, a truth, or another half-assed joke, I wondered. Guy C was an awkward Guy. I tried my best to act like that comment didn’t affect me. At the theater, Guy B buys the tickets and Guy A buys the food. Guy A and B continue to joke that we, Guy C and I, should sit together. Again, I act unbothered and go with the flow. I end up sitting next to Guy A because walking to our seats, we all naturally uncluttered. Earlier I had insisted I don’t eat snacks when I watch movies, but Guy A continue to push me the large popcorn and soda he bought. “Don’t lie, you eat food when you watch anime,” he says in a snarky tone. (Forgot to mention but we’re all anime hoes lol and sorry if this sounds like some cringey fanfic, I’m trying to quote him) As said previously, women are confusing to some degree and this is why. I say I’m over him, but it was still pretty fun interacting with the guy. It makes me smile just talking to him. It’s the same butterfly stricken effect.

The movie was fine. We get out and I’m sent home first. During the ride home, I confront them because I was curious. After 1 and a half year of silence between us, why now do they invite me out? It seemed odd seeing as they’re doing fine by themselves. I asked whose idea was it to invite me and the bastards all point fingers at each other. Guy C says it was Guy A’s idea and Guy A says it was Buy B’s idea. At this point I am 99.9% sure Guy A has no feelings for me and whatever he has left is for teasing me to death as entertainment. Guy C is suspicious but he’s always so awkward and can’t look me in the eye. Maybe it’s because we are the least close between the 4 of us. This leads me to believe the idea stemmed from Guy B. Since he was the only one who admitted to actually liking me. Regardless, everything about these friends still confuse the hell out of me. I still don’t know what their problem is with doing all of this confusing shit to me for. Just talk to me normally, ask me to hang normally, don’t make me look like the 4th person out while you’re all giggling with your secrets or something. Guys are confusing man. I’ve been through hell trying to decipher their every word and action toward themselves and me. Maybe none of them really like me and all of this is their sick joke? XD I don’t really know anymore.

Sorry for the rant. I really needed to get this off my chest. In case you’re curious, yes, they all know I read yaoi. They tease me about it and I give them the middle finger in return. Anime otakus like them have no right to tease me. We’re all in the same boat. Thanks for reading this far ^3^ ps. I created this account to post here because I thought it was more appropriate than posting on the homepage. Luv this community to death <3


Marcaline January 28, 2020 5:03 pm

First of all, i know this is kinda of an older story, but i just wanted to say that it was very interesting to read it! Thank you for sharing.
I really get from where you are coming, i also had a similar situation, my bff (when we were highschoolers) ,,confessed,, their feelings to me before the class through messages ,we sat near each other and i was sooooooo confused. You see they had a girlfriend at the time and i remember asking them why they did it, the answer was ,,i wanted to see how you react,,. Even their girlfriend at the time was imagining us together... so i can say both genders are so confusing!
I think even those situations made me a little emotionless in some situations, i got confessed by other ppl later in life and i really didnt felt anything, just laughed it off and saying ,,you must be kidding me?,,. Its really harder to believe people now.
But i try not to think about it too much, to me it became a fun story to tell others and i hope its the same for you too!
Again, thank you for sharing! It made me remember that ppl are really confusing sometimes but i guess thats why its so interesting to interact with them.


boys are confusing

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