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If you don’t study you’ll get bad grades on your exams and then your parents will think of you as a disappointment further dismotivating you from studying which will bring down your GPA and then you won’t get into college and you’ll live as a shut in, in your parents house because since you couldn’t get into college you lost even more mot......   1 reply
18 06,2021
18 06,2021
If you study, you pass. When you pass, you get happy. When you get happy, you laugh. When you laugh, you choke to death. So don't study.   reply
18 06,2021
Padme 18 06,2021
You gotta do the things you have to do in order to do the things you want to do.   reply
18 06,2021
You don't have to regret in the future that you didn't study, if you study now.   reply
18 06,2021
This may seem cringe and corny, but my crush once congratulated me on getting a high score, and that was the only conversation I had with him, and it made me feel really happy. I kept replaying that in my head, and it motivates me to study so he can congratulate me again, well, I was hoping, but he switched schools. Small things motivates me T^T ......   reply
26 09,2023
18 06,2021
RaWr   reply
18 06,2021

have a wild imagination

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