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17 06,2021
I don't like tt so i dont use tt and so i dont know whats going on tt   1 reply
17 06,2021
17 06,2021
the manga says it's college, so they're presumably all over 18, but the anime cuts that part out. so in the anime, it seems like they're high schoolers. which would mean it's child porn. also the club services teachers as well as students, so that's even more wrong if they're in high school. (i don't know the "recent" drama but it was probably ab......   1 reply
17 06,2021
17 06,2021
It’s said to be “cp” bc they seem to be in highschool (only in the anime tho, in the manga they’re actually college students and I lot of people are oblivious to that) but I don’t think it’s that bad tbh.. highschoolers fuck and have sex. Especially at those ages, it’s natural. I think ppl r just exaggerating bc I’m 100% their paren......   1 reply
17 06,2021

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I gave up on bl/yaoi at this point
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