Am I the only one?
Am I the only one that feels stupid when you screw up the captchas or the things where you have to verify that your human.
Like, sometimes it’s just a mistake, but then on the robot ones you’re like “does that qualify as this or that” and so you don’t know if you should click it or not and then you get it wrong and you feel more pathetic than usual.
Also, why do they spell qualify with a q, like, why not a C or a K or something? Why do Qs even exist? Is there a point to them? Like why substitute a letter for another letter when they sound the same? Like how do you expect me to spell well when half the words can sound one way or the other? I mean, at least we don’t cut off like half the word when pronouncing them but for some reason keep the ending of some of them just because (I’m not talking with you, French, I’m talking about you). Though really there is no point for putting an e at the end of a lot of English words. Like, I could cut off the e of the of “the” to make it “th” and it would still sound the same, considering context. Where did the big debate of caramel come from anyway. Like, are you a believer in car-mal or care-a-mel? When did it become such a strong and big debate? Did two people really decide to argue on how a word is pronounced just because? The same thing with gif, is it jif or gif? See? Why have one letter have the sound of two? It would have been simpler in the rules if you just make G sound like “ga” and J sound like “Ja” or “Je”. Like why make G have both of the sounds when you have J? Why have J if G can do it’s job for it? Why doesn’t it have and accent or something so you know how to pronounce it? Why have two letters if one can handle both the jobs? Why have one letter sound like two letters when there is already another letter that sounds like that? I dunno, it just doesn’t make since.
No literally because I need to reload the page like 10 times before the captcha even shows up
17 06,2021