My gf is asexual so I don’t talk to them about it when im in the mood and it’s really stressful since Im a very touchy person and crave intimacy. We’ve been together for a year and at first it was no problem at first because I just liked cuddling them but overtime I’d try to express my “need” for more and after learning they were asexual I had to know our boundaries. How do you all cope? I’d like to have someone I can openly talk about stuff like this with, or at least bond with over it. I feel slutty but I don’t know how else to manage myself (;´༎ٹ༎`) curse my uterus for wanting so much attention. But if you’re will to help me or just talk to me I have discord ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ. I’m a little shy about talks like this but I think it would be nice to open up to someone who knows any others ways of uh.. easing the tension down there . Thank you *cries in gay *
I’m asexual as well and every asexual person have different boundaries just like your standard person !
If you’re feeling horny or something similar to that and want their “help”, try to find out their boundaries and see what’s good and no good for your needs as well :)
And I would love to talk on discord if you would like! 1 reply
im asexual (ive never been in a relationship btw) and ik that if im ever in a relationship i'd let my partner satisfy their sexual needs with a prostitute or something :) 2 reply