What will u call this? (Help)
Idk what u will call this but i just need to get it off my chest
the other person was 15 and i was 13 when this thing happened. So like i wont go in to too much detail on how it started but, this guy knows i was 13 and then before i knew it we were already sexting (?). Now that i think abt it, i feel like i was used as a sex toy (kinda) because we dont really have much interaction other than when he was horny. I cut all ties with him because i grew bored of it (and him too) and because i feel like something's not right. At that time, i wasn't really aware of grooming and pedophiles and the harm of internet. I just want to have a friend. (It all happened in facebook and we both don't know each other irl)
I told some of my internet friends at that time abt this, and the thing is, they were joking abt it too. Saying "ooh u graduated from ur virginity" something, like??? Im a 13 y/o??? Why didnt u educated me??? Ur older than me luv.
I may or may not be traumatized by this. Idk, it just make me sick and question myself as to what am i thinking and do i totally know what im doing?
Was it my fault?
people who are taken advantage of does not know what's going on until they knew better, so absolutely no. it is not your fault. you were young it's understandable that you didn't know. and it's totally the 15 y/o, who had more power (and abused it) and knows better who is in the wrong.
16 06,2021