What will u call this? (Help)
Idk what u will call this but i just need to get it off my chest
the other person was 15 and i was 13 when this thing happened. So like i wont go in to too much detail on how it started but, this guy knows i was 13 and then before i knew it we were already sexting (?). Now that i think abt it, i feel like i was used as a sex toy (kinda) because we dont really have much interaction other than when he was horny. I cut all ties with him because i grew bored of it (and him too) and because i feel like something's not right. At that time, i wasn't really aware of grooming and pedophiles and the harm of internet. I just want to have a friend. (It all happened in facebook and we both don't know each other irl)
I told some of my internet friends at that time abt this, and the thing is, they were joking abt it too. Saying "ooh u graduated from ur virginity" something, like??? Im a 13 y/o??? Why didnt u educated me??? Ur older than me luv.
I may or may not be traumatized by this. Idk, it just make me sick and question myself as to what am i thinking and do i totally know what im doing?
Was it my fault?
I mean... You were 13- who knows what crazy shit goes through the mind of a 13 year old
16 06,2021