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I'm 23. My husband's 26. We've been married for almost 2 years. And the number one question we constantly get asked is "When will you have children?" The idea of having children is considered one of the goals to obtain a "happy, successful" life. So, I don't blame people when I get those questions. It's just that having children is not the only wa......   reply
18 08,2019
1. i hate children 2. i don't think the future is gonna be a good environment for future generations 3. too much money and time just to raise a child 4. i like being alone 5. i hate children.   reply
18 08,2019
Why I don't want children 1. I don't like children I'm sorry but really stOP CRYING FOR GODDAMN SAKE 2.have you seen climate change and shit future for them doesn't seem bright oh no 3.pregnancy and labour is a difficult time especially labour like oh my god it's really painful and sorry I'm not up for the game of pain what my mum always ......   1 reply
18 08,2019
18 08,2019
When I was younger, I used to dream of getting married and having kids before I turn 30. But now, I think that's absurd. I just can't imagine myself being a mom. And a good one at that. I don't think motherhood will suit me. I am bad at takung care of people and I want to be by myself most of the times. I don't even having a fucking job. Having ki......   2 reply
18 08,2019
Girl, same. I don't think the ultimate goal in life is to find love and have children. For most people, it naturally became a step they have to take at some point. No, not for me. I'm 25 and surrounded at work by coworkers who have children. The first day, they ask me if I had someone and in an other conversation that I'll see/understand when I'd......   1 reply
18 08,2019
I find children cute, but do I want to raise one? I don't. Imagine living your whole adult life feeling responsible of another life. That is exactly the reason why I don't want children. My thinking is that assuming I get a job after I graduate in college, I earn money for myself and for my family. I want to travel, I want to spoil myself and I ca......   reply
18 08,2019
LeGau 18 08,2019
I'm 40 now... since I was 8 people were giving me a hard time about being a mother in the future and since then I never saw myself in that role. All along my life people have been saying 'you will change your mind with time'. It passed over 30 years and I am more sure of my decision each day because of all the reason everyone said before, the futur......   reply
18 08,2019
I don't want babies, and I used to think I didn't want kids at all, but I might adopt some older kids when I'm more stable. However, I'm in my 30s and my depression is still really bad. It's hard enough to take care of myself, and I'm a broke college student. If I got pregnant right now, I don't know what I'd do. My younger sister has a kid, so ho......   reply
18 08,2019
Honestly I think people get stressed when they think of having a kid...and yes kids are a lot of responsibilty..but honestly if u want a kid then have a kid over thinking can lead to confusion and make one to runaway so rather than just avoiding kids to get rid of confusion I would try and find a common ground for yourself not because of other peop......   3 reply
22 08,2019
cause I dont have money ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I dont want to bring someone to a suffering life   reply
22 08,2019

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