Please answer this question :
Hello, please tell me...
1. who your countries worst criminal is
2. if your country has/had criminal organisations
3. if your country has/ had criminal cults
4. what some prejudices about you are just because of your origin, circumstances or appearance
5. if you have some criminal history yourself or if you have ancestors that participated in crimes
This is just my personal curiosity and I would be happy if you answer some of those question. I'll be looking forward to your answers and I hope you have a good day !
1.First one who came to my mind is Jammu setä. Known pedo. There's even songs about him. In my childhood I was told to be careful on my way home or Nasse setä will get me.
2.Yeah some but only "bad thing" they do is between themselfs or other gangs and some drug stuff.
3.No? I think no.
4. Well people from my county are usually in good position. ......
1 reply
14 06,2021