About my Name
So my name is Cestelles Cum Rag (Cum Cult), this is from 3 months ago when I planned to create a cult on mangago and make a post declaring my love to cestelle (as a joke). Many people have been speaking out about it so I am considering changing my name and forgetting that part of my life. People have been calling my name corny (even when they also have a corny ass name) and I have decided to make a change and stop this.
And lastly I would like to apologize to cestelle for my strange behavior and I have learned from this experience. Im not 100% sure why I chose to do this but I think it started after cestelle commented on a few of my posts, in support of me. Thank you all for listening, and goodbye
So like
What the fuck am I reading? I'm kinda. Kinda confused????
13 06,2021