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Being loud isn't a trait that's exclusive only to Americans. Anybody can be loud, and it's not ''an American thing'' to be loud. The answer changes depending on the person's personality (and sometimes vocal range), not their nationality.   1 reply
12 06,2021
Idk but wait until you hear the Russians   3 reply
12 06,2021
I don't know but thank god im not American   reply
12 06,2021
us Americans are just this weird genetic soup soo maybe loudness was just like a gene that got passed down a lot   1 reply
12 06,2021
Well, Americans have a very loud persona, it's part of our "charm". I believe loudness in a sense is a byproduct of individualism, in addition to the fact that we as a country value self-confidence, being forthright, and being "heard". In other countries (like Japan), social construct revolves around the idea that you "know your place". Hence hon......   reply
12 06,2021
I'm pretty introverted so i don't know who you're referring to.   reply
12 06,2021
Wait till you hear black people at a cookout man, the whole house is shaking. Not the good kind...   reply
12 06,2021
Everyone can be loud on some occasions, what’s there to slander? What do you mean by culturally loud? Loud parties? Loud arguments? Loud general conversation? My parents always talk louder on the phone, especially if they’re calling someone far away. But they’re desi. American is not a culture. There are many different cultures in America, ......   reply
12 06,2021
Listen it's never good to stereotype and treating such a large group of people the same way is just ignorant itself, and that's coming from someone whose fellow citizens are constantly(admittedly justified to some extent)called ignorant. However, it depends on your perspective, to me and others we don't consider that volume as loud but many others ......   reply
12 06,2021
wait till you hear the chinese uncles ansd aunties at chinese new year   reply
12 06,2021


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