I need help.
I need ur help locating this masterpiece of an anime kid’s cartoon stuff. It kept flashing in the back of my mind and I cannot sleep in peace knowing that I can’t remember the name of the show which I watched everyday as a small fetus.
I only remember a small gist of it since it was an episodic type of cartoon like other kid’s cartoon where u can’t tell what the fuck is going on and there’s always a recurring pattern of random shit.
Anyways so it had a group of kids having a double life. They have this hat where when they wear it, they turn into some low budget Superman and save the world and all that. It also had that doraemon vibe, where when you watch it you’d go like “man this cartoon looks old as fuck” (also they had somewhat the same art style too). Another thing to note is that it used to air in Disney channel (but not really made by disney if u know what I mean)
I’m just asking for help if anyone remembers the name, it’s fine if u ignore this
this is as close as I can draw the main lead bc I have no artistic talent
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11 06,2021