my worst sin

xybreak xybreak 2019-07-20 00:30:01 About worst sin
so, when I was little, around 10-11 i think?, my mum used to work at this tiny bar/cafe(during the day it was a café and and night it functioned as a bar) that a friend of hers owned, and I sometimes hung out there after school.
on the other side of the street was this equally tiny hairsaloon-thing, and the dude that worked there? owned the place? i don‘t remember, came over pretty often
one time i got really bored while waiting for my mums shift to end and i remember whining about it a lot, and the guy(he seemed really old to me at the time, but he was probably 40-50ish?) offered to show me around in the hair saloon and whatever, i was bored, and the dude was really nice so i went with him and? nothing really bad happened or anything, he just showed me around, gave me a ton of compliments, and told me how pretty i was(i was a bit pudgy and got bullied at school, so that was a first for me) and at the end he kissed me and told me not to tell anyone since it was a secret
and i mean, i know it was just a kiss, but i felt like someone had poured liquid nitrogen over me, like i would never be warm again in my life
so i went back to the café, sat down in the only corner you couldn‘t see if you looked through the large window from the outside and didn‘t say a word to anyone until my mum and i went home, she didn‘t notice anything off, and i didn‘t tell her, i never hung out there again, but i still feel kind of pathetic that one kiss traumatized me so much, is that weird?


fufufujoshi July 20, 2019 1:58 pm

I hope he dies a slow death

LALALAND July 20, 2019 1:22 pm

It's not pathetic. Not at all. It's normal to feel that.
Hope he'll suffer.

Joy Dancer July 20, 2019 2:01 am

That wasn't your sin, it was his!

Satan™ July 20, 2019 1:26 am

I wouldn't say it's werd at all.

I'm gonna be vulnerable for a second with you because this is way cheaper than therapy and I'm poor:

From ages 6-10 my sister was very forward with me and kept forcing me into awkward situations (of the sexual nature). I was young and she was my older sister so I thought I couldn't disobey her. So anyways, there I was- a young girl- and my older sister kept touching me, licking me, etc. She would have me take showers with her and use that as an opportunity to take action. It was extremely shaping in how I would later become.

Now I have an aversion to any kind of touch and to familial love. I have a complex where I flinch if people get too close too. I'm not sure if my sister even remembers any of that now, as she acts completely normal around me, but I still feel awkward around her to this day.

So no, it's not weird to be traumatized by a kiss from a MUCH older man. It wasn't consensual and he was taking advantage of you, you are free to feel however you want.

fufufujoshi July 20, 2019 2:01 pm

Damn, sorry that happened to you. I had a similar experience, and it sucks but it does get better

B WENDY August 22, 2019 2:46 pm

Sorry honey...but I think you should tell her how u feel about that situation if u want to have a normal sister relationship since u feel awkward...but it's up to you ..ok..

Yaoi~For~Life July 20, 2019 1:09 am

It’s not weird actually,I think I will also traumatized if that happened to me.
Something also happened to me,my uncle which I’m not really close always coming to the bathroom when I’m taking a bath and always that I should keep it a secret.....well it been 5 or 6 years i think but it already traumatize me but i think your story is more worst i think?
Anyway sorry for my bad english!!

worst sin

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