
Welpitywell Welpitywell 2019-07-19 16:18:32 About travel to a different country
I was adopted by a middle aged, comfortable familly so I was in their prime time of exploration. It slowed down and eventually halted around 2014 due to my dad's unhappiness in their relstionship and my mum's ongoing depression.

So before my daddy's lil' affair I have visited:

Multiple destinations around Australia as I live here (usually twice a year until 10)
New Zealand
Taiwan (visiting sister-in-laws family)
England, Scotland, Ireland (Visiting Brother's family)
Taiwan (visiting with my sister-in-law, first independent travel)
England, Sweden and Finland (visiting family and old exchange students, includimg a wedding)
Fiji (holiday, last trip together)

Post affair (2017)

China and Singapore (school trip and a christian conference for mum, took along a friennd and ha d multiple break downs!)
Japan (exchange, was meant to be a year but also had breakdowns)

And stop over locations like Hong Kong, Dubai, etc. which we spent brief times at. I'm only 16 but am a thirsty hoe for travel and seeing all my friends now travel with their happy families has me super jealous,but unrightfully so. I have to remember some people have never left the country.

My dad only travels with his partner now :^) but I've almost graduated anyway, so my trips will soon be out of my pocket. Honestly, I have no idea what thhe future holds. Buut I have dreams and goals and I wanna travel with friends.

My destinations after this include:
East Europe, Transiberian, Belgium,etc.
Laos (have friends we could visit)
Italy, Paris, Spain (graduation trip with my dad and his partner) (bone cathedral, catacombs, etc.) (This is my dream location honesttly and will die happily upon visiting here)
America (road trip in 7 years if I have money,with at least one friend if she can)
Africa (hopefully a misssionary trip)
Central Europe (hiking trip, graduation gift froom/ withh my mum, Germany, Austria, etc.)

Go big or go home, I love other cultures and being educated about different people. I'm especially vurious in history and architecture, with a slight morbid curiosity. I like seeiing the finer things in life and more what their every day life is vs. tourist attractions.

Tldr: beeen spoilt traveling, gonna spoil myself more


punchline: existential dread April 4, 2020 11:41 pm

That's fascinating - the whole family politics thing and how it factors into travel/tourism patterns. I come from a volatile family that did lots of traveling (and settling) in foreign places, too. Now I'm independent. But your answer really came as a dose of nostalgia. Looking back, I don't think I can really extricate any of my traveling experiences from my memories of family.

Now the most I do is go on hike trails with friends. My world has been a yawning one, I think - widening when I was younger, and narrowing now that I'm settling. Hopefully this quarantine hasn't sucked all the adventuring spirit out of me though! I'd love to tour Europe - see a continent where history is steeped and preserved. Unlike China, whose culture run deep but has suffered so, so much uprooting, and the U.S., where I am now, which values ahistoricism.


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