LINE group for lonely people
I'm making a group chat for anything. From mamga to real life problems everything is fine. All i ask is that you'll be a active user of LINE or at least try to chat often. Put your LINE ID down to the comments and I'll add you as soon as I can.
Here's just sone more info about me
I'm awkward, I have social problems and I've never had any real friends. I lie about having having friends online so no one worries, but really i don't even know if I'm lonely or not. This isn't the first time I'm making a group chat and it hasn't really worked out before, but this time i wanna try my best too! I'd really love to make some friends.
my id is lilight add me if u want ^^ I can be a bit awkward sometimes but I love making friends online, so I talk a lot most of the time
16 07,2019