About the exposing trend
Tl;dr the people complaining about this trend kinda have a point.
I took a break from mangago for like 15 hours and wars have fucking started and ended. So let’s talk about it.
How it started (you can skip this if you already know):
Quicksilver is a user with very.....Intresting....opinions and a group of followers who will go out of their way to protect him and those opinions. Including harassing other people. Also he has a webtoon. This is relevant. After some back and forth with him and a bunch of other people he made a list of some names of people who he said were harassing him and his webtoon and proceeded to call them liars. This caused me to take a bunch of evidence from a friend of mine and make a post called “quicksilver shut the fuck up” (which has now been deleted.) in this post I called him out for calling people liars when in fact he was the liar. After this more posts started being made calling people out. Some were about QS but some weren’t.
Because of the abundance of posts being made, the fact that it was mostly the same people making them, and the reactions of those who follow them, people started questioning the legitimacy of the intent of the “drama post” followers and they wouldn’t be wrong to do so.
It seems that in general, most of the people following these hate trains are doing it more for the hype factor instead of doing it so they can actually recognize and report/block disgusting people. It’s obvious that the number of people who follow these questions and the number of people who actually report the users in question is very different considering that every user who has been in an “expose” post still has their account. (At the time of me making this question)
That doesn’t mean the questions are completely unnecessary and should be stopped. However, there is a thin line between informing others of users’ bad behaviors and straight up harassment. Posts like “quicksilvers webtoon!” (deleted) aren’t necessary because that shows nothing about his behavior and although op didn’t say to go there and downvote it, given the discourse that was happening already, that was the only outcome that would have happened after doing that. I’m not saying that everyone who gave it a bad rating was doing it only to spite him but now we can’t tell. Stuff like this only gives more fuel for people to discredit your intent.
Also making constant questions about the same person (with nothing new to add) just makes it seem like you’re obsessed.
If you find yourself interacting with a user who is problematic the best thing to do is to report and block them. If the things they are saying are public (and not dms) then the best thing to do is just to wait for other users to see what they’re doing and block/report them or for them to eventually fuck up and get themselves banned. Even if it takes a long time.
The only time I think a “expose question” should be made is when someone is sending others to harass a user or purposely lying to try and ruin that user’s reputation.
That’s all I guess. Let me know your opinions on this or if you disagree or agree with anything I said. Sorry for the long post btw.