Rose Cakes Rose Cakes 2019-07-12 01:15:33 About yaoi being life ruining
YAOI IS LIFE RUINING!!! I love it, but it honestly is. I started real slow with it back then in 5th grade when my ex-friend often talked about how she shipped guys together from this and that. I was really liking my soft fluffy stories with adorable boys so I advanced to reading some Yaoi manga. I read a bit of fluffy BL stories here and there during 5th-6th grade, but it wasn't till the summer after 6th grade did I take a swan dive into the Yaoi community. I was absolutely shocked at the first one I read. I didn't expect there to be a xxx scene. SO at first I'd skip through them or repeatedly pause to take a break because I felt so flustered. After a while I of course got use to it and I began to learn a lot of key things about Yaoi. I spent those 2 full months of summer break reading non-stop Yaoi. (Good thing mother works like 24/7) On the first day of 7th grade I actually made a Yaoi reading friend.

Now how has Yaoi ruined my life? Well, I can no longer enjoy hetero ships. It's sad I know. I mean I still do, but very rarely. Although in a way this is good for me. Before Yaoi I'd just ship whichever girl with which ever guy without really delving deep on their relationship. Now I really take a step back and look and of course I do the same with my gay guy ships. I do tend to have some ships that just don't make sense. Though I can admit when one of my ships don't make sense or I'm just shipping them because they're cute and no other real reason. I don't try to be delusional about them and be like "IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE" when it doesn't.


koituaoi July 13, 2019 12:17 am

I UNDERSTAND THIS ON A SOUL LEVEL.... I only learnt about manga's when I was nineteen, I was always a heavy paperback book reader and anime fan. Kinda well balanced 19 yr old exercise, study, socialize (⌒▽⌒). I learnt about manga's from my little sister(10) who wanted me to read a shoujo manga she was reading, so i did and it left me furious (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸because i couldn't believe the cliche"he's bad to me so i should love him more", I blocked her access to the site she used to get those manga's cause I didn't want using those are relationship references in the future.

Then BOOM, one night I was bored and looking for something to entertain myself with and I happen across "Junjo Romantic" (yes- that scene in chapter one still gets me mad to this day) I was in such utter disbelief I continued to read thinking there would be punishment/vengeance for what happened cause it said adult (yes I was innocent and naive, thought adult meant violence)... and just like that I was hooked ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦).

When I mean hooked, a few days ago I paid for the entire back seat of a taxi just so i could read a really smutty comic on my way to work so I wouldn't have to drive. ( taxi's are normally shared here cause of the cost, so yeah.. that bad). I read when I go out, one time I spent and hour in a bathroom stall at a club catching up on a series I was following. I wrote a paper for a human sexuality class and used some pictures from different boy love manga's for illustrations (I went to a religious college- my lecturers face was worth staying up writing cause he had to read everything I submitted ヾ(☆▽☆)- feel no pity for him, he's backward).

I also realized that I can't share my manga reading list/sites with follow manga lovers ( mostly guys) just today a coworker and I were taking about different sites and when I started calling the sites I use he looked at me so confused. Then I realized ahhh those are for fujoshi mainly.Even my boyfriend just realized that when we move in together he'll have to put up with my binge reading sessions ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ლ(´ڡ`ლ) but he's been benefiting from what i've learnt in them so...

It's been a decade since that first night and while I know I should get my shit together and balance my life, boy love has given me so many "da fuq did I just read" moment, sleep less nights and heart wrenching stories that I regret nothing ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

katie July 12, 2019 2:41 pm

same here. im even a bi girl but i cant enjoy yuri on the same level

gamergirl6573 July 12, 2019 6:55 am

What if there was a manga out there somewhere in the deepest darkest depths of the world where the girl "does" the guy with a strap on, I apologize for my wicked mind( ̄∇ ̄")

Rose Cakes July 12, 2019 7:45 am

There is one I know. It's a Yaoi, but in it the Uke use to have a girlfriend that wore a strap on and did him. Unfortunately I don't remember the name.

Spyce98 July 12, 2019 4:54 pm
There is one I know. It's a Yaoi, but in it the Uke use to have a girlfriend that wore a strap on and did him. Unfortunately I don't remember the name. Rose Cakes

Is it S Flower by JINMI

Jaya July 12, 2019 3:18 am

hi I know how you feeeeel it to the point I ship boys on everything in yaoi is like drug that I can't get enough of

Enterurn4me July 12, 2019 1:35 am

Sameee. When I read shoujo or something, the first thought that comes to me is,
“What if the girl was a guy?” ( ̄∇ ̄")

elwing July 12, 2019 1:51 am

xD Now I will think the same way this thank you!


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