Being confused about your sexuality be like:
* i like boys and girls
* but do i actually want to date a guy or do I just want sex?
* i would date anybody
* but then i have a genital preference
* i can name more women i'd date then men
*but i wouldn't eat pussy
*but i wouldn't suck dick either
* sex in general is gross
* but i know for sure i'd date anybody
*but then the genital preference
* why do i need a genital preference if i dislike everything involving mixing fluids or dirt of another person
*i'm kinda tired of men tho
*but women are so difficult
*do i actually even like people or do i only want to admire how good they look?
*but i don't wanna sleep alone
* people in general tho ew..
*i don't like cleaning up behind others
*but they ould help me clean up
*but men are nasty
just another day.