just ranting

8bees 8bees 2021-06-04 18:25:56 About get it off your chest
i know this website is predominantly for yaoi/bl but why is it ok if u read for example a straight manga & someone could comment “i ship boy1 x boy2” & ppl would pay no mind (bc it is JUST a comment anyways its not that deep) but if i say the same abt girlxgirl there would always be people saying “u misinterpreted the author, they are just close friends that doesnt mean theyre gay” …like how many of u ship 2 male characters that are not even intended to be romantically together before this?? isnt this not the same situation? leave me & my lesbians alone T___T


phil the lesbian ❦ June 6, 2021 4:49 pm

BRO I AGREE SO MUCH! This is literally what I be trying to say.. this is the same dynamic as straight cis men HATING gay men, but they love to see lesbian women kiss because woman are what they have attraction to. It literally screams fetish.. I also hate sometimes when we’re talking about lesbian problems with us being fetishized to the point the word lesbian isn’t even seen the same anymore, someone always has to bring up problems about gay man saying they never get representation and that’s it’s always about lesbians.. and I’m like what.. go find a post that talks about people fetishizing gay men.. like it’s so disrespectful we aren’t on that topic.. both gay men and lesbian women have problems with people fetishizing us.

sheluvshoyo June 4, 2021 6:29 pm

frr its so weird to me how they fetishize gay relationships but then turn around and are disgusted by lesbian relationships.

like please just either hate all of us or love all of us you cant pick and choose

sweeticedtea June 4, 2021 6:51 pm

right?? like 2 men can breathe the same air & its fine to ship them but suddenly 2 girls can have cute moments together / implications & suddenly there should be proofs theyre lesbians & the author should explicitly explain theyre gay ,, bc otherwise theyre just “gal-pals” (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

like why is it hard for ppl to just,,, let ppl enjoy lesbian representations

sweeticedtea June 4, 2021 6:52 pm
right?? like 2 men can breathe the same air & its fine to ship them but suddenly 2 girls can have cute moments together / implications & suddenly there should be proofs theyre lesbians & the author ... sweeticedtea

idk if i even make sense here lol its 3am

get it off your chest

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