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I used to be a really big tsundere, if you can count that. Oh, and this could also be the unrequited love that wasn't actually unrequited but we both never confessed so we didn't realise/get together trope too, I guess? So when I was little I used to bully and make fun of this guy I had a crush on. He ended up going to a teacher and after getting ......   1 reply
28 06,2019
So I'm not very sure if this counts but here goes lol. I had just gotten into college when I met this guy and I quite liked him as a friend. Two months after, he confesses to me. "I found out that I like you", he says. I was super surprised as no one had confessed to me before, so I said "I also have something to tell you... I..." and he says, with......   1 reply
06 07,2019
Pure Evil trope happened to me. I didn't notice this at first but when I reached 6th grade I had realized what type of person I was during kindergarten in my old school. During kindergarten I was basically ruling all over my class mates because I would often get them in trouble if they insulted me. My methods were simple yet affective. When I would......   2 reply
28 06,2019
that side character in every story that's loud and bright and eerie and just advises the mc and all that but is scary when they're pissed off. that fits for me quite well   reply
07 01,2020
The classic scary looking (because of my eyes) but actually nice trope for me lol the thing is... If I keep my resting face while looking at people it looks like I'm planning on murdering somebody... so I try my best not to do that . One of my friend told me that the first time she saw me, we met eyes and she thought I was gonna hurt/bully herI was......   reply
07 01,2020
Well, I don't know about super assertive alpha males haha, but I've had a couple guys who've had crushes on me start to tease me. In a mean way, not that super erotic crap in shoujo....I wish tho… Sort of like pulling pigtails (except I didn't have pigtails lmao). I'm kind of sensitive to people's emotions so I knew they liked me. I rejected them......   1 reply
29 06,2019
The story of how me and my best friend met. It's lowkey kinda romantic which i guess is fitting since I crushed on her for a while too. I love this story and milk the hell out of it whenever anyone asks cause it's so ridiculously cliche. Ok so we first 'met' through a mutual friend. This was back around my hetalia obsession so I think Year 8? Or ......   1 reply
28 06,2019
A boy confessed to me(for the first time), we spent some time together and I kinda grew to like him. But everytime he expresses his feelings, I'd get so embarrassed that I dismissed it and get angry. I'm just the type who gets embarrassed easily. And a few years later I stumbled upon the word called 'tsundere'. Smh   3 reply
28 06,2019
Back in school: Warning my love-interest of that time to not go to a birthday-party of one of her classmates. Honestly just a feeling of jealousy and "foreshading", dunno. Well, long story short, the party went south really quickly and she spent the night   1 reply
28 06,2019
Having a crush on your childhood friend only for it be unrequited as now they like someone else but only realizing later that before they had a crush on you as well but gave up because no one fucking said anything uGH   1 reply
28 06,2019

confess to your crush

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Im too scared tho.