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04 06,2021
Basically the opposite of transgender. Someone who identifies as their biologicallly assigned gender, sorry if this definition is confusing or incorrect I'm hella tired and unable to explain shit properly at the moment.   1 reply
04 06,2021
Isn't cisgender just someone who's gender and sex corresponds? transgender would be someone who's gender and sex doesn't match   reply
04 06,2021
I was born a girl, with a vagina and breasts. I have always identified as a girl and still do. So i'd be called a cis woman. Same for a man, who identifies as the gender he was assigned at birth. He'd be a cis man. Its like the opposite of transgender.   reply
04 06,2021
04 06,2021
It's the gender you are born with. For example I'm born a woman therefore I'm a ciswoman. Hope it helps :)   reply
04 06,2021
04 06,2021
I think it's someone who's sex (what you are born as) matches their gender (what u identify as) for example I was born a female and I identify as an woman therefore i'm cisgender.   reply
04 06,2021
04 06,2021
cis basically means that you identify with your natural born gender? if that makes sense!! So if you're biologically a women and you identify as a female you're a ciswoman. This was also very new to me so dw   reply
04 06,2021
tehlorri 04 06,2021
Yup, sort of the opposite of transgender. Cis- as a prefix means to remain, or to stay on the same side as something. And cisgender means you agree with what the doctors said your gender is. There's a bunch of nuance between your sex and your gender, and this is simplistic in that it ignores a -great- many cultures who agree that there are more tha......   1 reply
04 06,2021
04 06,2021
I’m bad at explaining but I’ll try, Cisgender is when your gender identity matches your sex at birth, so let’s say you came out of the womb as a female and later on and you identify as a woman. That’s a ciswoman. Sorry if this didn’t help   1 reply
04 06,2021
04 06,2021
From reading the answer i think its straigth   reply
04 06,2021


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