rant abt life
bc I'm crying and i think i dont wanna burden other people in my irl with my problems.
sometimes i just wanna grab my dad on his collar and yell as loud as i can:
" you know what FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU FOR NOT MAKING MONEY FOR ALMOST 5 YEARS NOW AND BEEN TAKING MOM'S MONTHLY HARD-EARNED MONEY. FUCK YOU. yes. mom made a lot and it can support our whole FAMILY but FUCK YOU FOR DOING NOTHING BUT TAKE HER MONEY EVERYDAY AND MAKING EVERYONE ELSE WORK THEIR ASS OFF WHILE YOU WATCH TV AND DO NOTHING ALL DAY LONG. fuck you for not letting my little brother pursue what he wants as a career just bc YOUR DUMBASS THINKS THAT COOKING ISN'T FOR MALES AND IT WOULD MAKE YOU LOOK BAD IF YOUR SON TAKE CULINARY. fuck you for bringing me into this hellhole named earth. YOU BROUGHT ME HERE BUT FOR SUM REASON THINKS THAT I ASKED TO BE HERE. NO, MF. YOU DRAGGED ME HERE. I DID MY BEST TO GET GOOD GRADES, MAKE FRIENDS, LIFT UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS EVERY FUCKING DAY. YOU BITCH. you always says that i can be anything i want and you loved mom, me, and bro. BUT FOR SOME REASON IN YOUR HEAD, "ANYTHING I(ME) WANT" EQUATES TO DOCTORS, SCIENTIST, ENGINEERS and nothing else??? WAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. Y'KNOW WHAT , THANKS TO YOU, EVERYDAY IS SHIT AND I THOUGHT ABOUT DYING EVERY SECOND OF MY LIFE. bitch if i can , i would be gone already you dumb fuck. if only I don't care about mom and my friends. one day, one-day ill be brave enough and I'll stop burdening you and mom so that mom can use the leftovers money for herself and not to feed me. oneday, I'll be sure enough that nobody really wants me anymore and I'll really do it. ik it's not only me who wants me to die. you've said it too, right? so when and if that time really came. fuck off. don't go blaming mom by saying she hasn't educate me enough. i did this bc of you. FUCK YOU. "
ok ye that's all, I'm sorry for anybody reading if there is any
love y'all and i hope y'all had a better life than mine.
every time i see someone rant abt their parents, i always remember elon musk’s quote saying “my children didn’t choose to be born, i Chose to have children. they owe me nothing. i owe them everything” and it still hits me up to this date. hope u’re doing well and i’m here to listen !!
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03 06,2021