Appreciated if you only read this.
I'm a Muslim from a very religious family. (16) We struggle every day to live. I'm a girl so it's even more difficult to live since we don't hold our future. I never had a mom. And all I remember is my dad giving her medicines after that she became paralysed. She couldn't talk or move we helped her to eat. But my father never took her to a proper hospital. She died after that.
I was raped when I was 7. Never told anybody. My dad is a very religious type of person he doesn't let us have a phone or Internet coz he doesn't trust it. We don't have much but I have an older sister she's 30 she should be living her life but instead she's being used as a slave by my dad he treats her however he wants coz of that she has become crazy and talks with herself all the time it's too scary to see he gives her medicines and say '' you all don't know I know and I know better'' he even beat us if we wrong him coz of this reason he doesn't listen to anyone and doesn't take her to a hospital. But treats her himself despite not being a doctor (he was in the army) he's mf 60 y/o
I live in a village with not much ficilities. We don't even have gas here I hate it. Village people don't take pity on us but they taunt us and spread rumours about my family. I hate my school. I don't have any friends. My dad doesn't want me to get education and says to stay at home 24/7 what else am I suppose to do?? Become a maid?
I don't get the things I need or want makes me depressed and I never smile coz of that reason my dad doesn't know what he's doing is wrong and no one can stop him. I have been trying to kill myself. I can't sleep at nights cuz they are always awake (we only have 2 rooms one is for my brother) I can't study. I can't see my future. So it's better to die than be in this shit hole.
It's been 6 long years and nothing changed so I can't keep up. Planing to die on my birthday. I'll keep you all updated one day before. (if you want)
I know you all don't care or can't do anything about it but still you reading this makes it 10 times better.
If you are not in a situation like me please be grateful. God's been testing us for too long I'm so done.
My time is up for using Internet (2 hours a day) if anyone finds out what I'm doing I'm dead for sure.
Bye and thanks
Hey just dont give up . Please update us. I know it is hard but we need to be strong we dont know what comes after death. Just try to live . If you want someone to talk to I am hear to listen.
1 reply
03 06,2021
I come from a Muslim household too (I'm not religious), but reading this hurts my heart so much. Your dad isn't Muslim at all if this is how he treats you guys.
The religion is all about love and care, but he shows none of that.
My dad used to be easily angered too, but he is better now (after 3 years), and my mom used to hit and slap me if I made......
1 reply
03 06,2021
its really terrible this happens in the world, i know its far fetched but i hope things get better for you
please keep us updated when you can and dont stress about posting because i cant even imagine the punishment he would give if you were caught
hes a truly horrible man and i really wish well for your sister
2 reply
03 06,2021
No, girl you have to keep living. Just run away, report your father. Damn just kill him. If you kill yourself then it means you're giving up, you're accepting all that abuse and mental torture you're father has been inflicting on you for years.
My family was abusive as hell. My grandmother used to beat me, and wanted me to get married at 14. (I'm ......
10 07,2021
I feel like maybe you live in my country because I live in a Islamic country in the south of asia.
Your situation is terrible and I hope I can help somehow because I hate just seeing innocent kids suffer like this.
I'm really sorry for what's happening to you but I can't stop you from the choices you make because only you know how much pain your......
10 07,2021
I wish I could help, but I really don't know much about helping escape toxic parents in Islamic countries. I am grateful that I live in a free society, I always have been. I would say stay strong, maybe there are people here with similar backgrounds you can talk to for ideas.
10 07,2021
This may sound weird but I just want you to know I cared for you I may not know you or anything but please don’t do it and I’m so sorry for what had happened to you but please stay alive and I’m so sorry if this sounded weird
10 07,2021