A fujoshi’s last will and testament
Hello. I am writing to you from my phone. My mother has taken my computer and is looking through my browser history as we speak. Soon she will find this site and it will be the end of me. So I am writing this to serve as what will likely be my last statement and my will and testament. Please cede the following possessions to respective parties-
1. My brain - Yui Hirasawa
2. My body - Daisuke kambe
3. My heart - Lloyd Folger
4. My male ahego folders - luobli
5. My reputation as the disappointment child - My sister
6. My money - I don’t have any oof but flatten my entire penny collection into one big mega-penny, as was my dream.
Give everything else to unicef. Thank you very much, and wish me well.
they have squandered the good gifts You have given them and they want to do better. Lord, send better luck their way so that they have more opportunity to redeem their situation. Send solid friends and mentors into their life who can help them get back on their feet. You are a God who never fails to keep His promises.
03 06,2021