Quick summary about H10n3
There have been some news reports circulating about a person infected with the H10n3 virus. I figured it might cause some concern among many people (including myself), so I did a bit of research and have found some information about the topic.
To clarify, H10n3 is an avian virus, which means that it came from birds. The H10n3 virus causes influenza or commonly known as "flu". There have been many avian viruses over the past couple of decades. According to reports form the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the CDC, the H7N9 virus has been the most recent avian virus that has caused a mass outbreak in the human population with an estimated death toll of 616 people so far. Although those numbers are concerning, researchers also clarify that avian viruses rarely cause severe outbreaks in the human population.
Recent reports about the h10n3 virus indicate that it is not likely cause a mass outbreak. The virus is also considered "low pathogenic", with means that birds (notably chicken) are less likely to die from the virus. In addition, this specific virus is a "rare strain" meaning it is not common. Officials are keeping a close watch on it, since there have been more recent reports on avian viruses in Africa, Europe, Middle East and South Asia. One of the more recent ones was a H7n8 outbreak in Saudi Arabia, which mostly affected poultry.
There is little information about the specifics of the H10n3 virus itself, since analysis on the genetic data of the virus has yet to be released.
If you want some more information, check the links below:
Information on influenza:
https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/viruses/index.htmH7n9 virus reports:
https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/h7n9-virus.htmhttp://www.fao.org/ag/againfo/programmes/en/empres/h7n9/situation_update.htmlReport on H5n1 to H7n9, which also gives some insight on avian viruses:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4001451/News reports on H10n3:
https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/china-human-case-h10n3-bird-flu-1.6049140https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-reports-first-human-case-h10n3-bird-flu-n1269236Quick reminder: best to take the H10n3 situation with a bit of skepticism, since it hasn't been long since the general public knows about it. In addition, there isn't much info on it, since there is one known case so far. What I mean by this is that there is little information being given in a short time span. Thus, it is not possible to conclude the whole situation with just a few news articles.
The links I posted give insight on the new avian virus and some other avian virus cases as well. There are many more sources that also inform on these topics, so I recommend to do some more research if you have the time to do so.