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“It’s historical so it makes sense that the story has unsolved slavery, sexism, classicism and whatnot” The story has magic and fashion that you wouldn’t find until the 1960s fuck outta here.   1 reply
02 06,2021
It’s always the same “oh no I reincarnated into the villainess so now I gotta avoid all the death flags but even though everyone is so nice to me for SURE nobody actually likes me ESPECIALLY NOT THE MALE LEAD WHO IS SUSPICIOUSLY ALWAYS CLOSE AND PROTECTS ME AND LOOKS AT ME LIKE I’M HIS LOVER AND SAYS THE MOST SUSPICIOUS THINGS TO ME cuz I’m......   reply
02 06,2021
I have a HUGE rant about shounen ai reincarnation mangas ehem, here it goes: "I'm a super unlucky guy who somehow died because of truck-kun and now I was reborn into this world and grew up as a super powerful lad and I thought it was normal and now I have 64694854648 girls in my harem and IM A SSSSSSSSSSS ADVENTURER IN A GUILD I OWN AND I AM ACTUAL......   1 reply
02 06,2021


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You but male version (for my beloved girls)
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How do u look?
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Your parents kick you out
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sucking your own dick
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discoloration on face
BL find pls