There is no wrong with having a kink or a fetish until....
Paraphilic disorders are recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors that are distressing or disabling and that involve inanimate objects, children or nonconsenting adults, or suffering or humiliation of oneself or the partner with the potential to cause harm.
The unconventional sexual arousal patterns in paraphilias are considered pathologic disorders only when both of the following apply:
-They are intense and persistent.
-They cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning, or they harm or have the potential to harm others (eg, children, nonconsenting adults).
People with a paraphilic disorder may have an impaired or a nonexistent capacity for affectionate, reciprocal emotional and sexual intimacy with a consenting partner. Other aspects of personal and emotional adjustment may be impaired as well.
The pattern of disturbed erotic arousal is usually fairly well developed before puberty. At least 3 processes are involved:
-Anxiety or early emotional trauma interferes with normal psychosexual development.
-The standard pattern of arousal is replaced by another pattern, sometimes through early exposure to highly charged sexual experiences that reinforce the person’s experience of sexual pleasure.
-The pattern of sexual arousal often acquires symbolic and conditioning elements (eg, a fetish symbolizes the object of arousal but may have been chosen because the fetish was accidentally associated with sexual curiosity, desire, and excitement).
if you think that you or someone have these symptoms, please consult a doctor. i am merely educating and sharing facts but im no proffesional whatsoever.