Mangago is toxic :/ (don't like, don't read)
You can't deny that mangago is toxic
You seriously have to watch what you say here because otherwise you'd get responses about people saying "ok" or "who asked?" Or maybe being hated on
The thing is it doesn't even have to be mean, its just you sharing something with a bunch of rando's on the net because you feel like you can share info (not private info ofc) with a bunch of strangers without them thinking your weird or not relatable
Sometimes its just you venting but you get some people telling you to put a trigger warning and them assuming and then saying "being hit once isn't abuse"
(I've seen the past posts)
I have to think twice about what i say to my parents and now i have to think twice here too?
I feel insecure and afraid about sharing what i like (not weird stuff but stuff like fandoms etc.) because i'm afraid that instead of people agreeing with me its just a bunch of people hating, saying "who asked?" or "ok" or "shut up"
For whoever gets responses like that i feel so sorry and i usually try to watch what i say to avoid them feeling what i feel like instead of "who asked" i actually try to talk about whatever they said or not respond at all because not getting answers is worth not feeling like shit after a bunch of people told you to shut up
Because you really never know if that person just went through something horrible and that's why they're acting like that
Some person on youtube kept replying to a bunch of comments that were supporting the video creator saying "Fuck you" but the reason for that was because they just went to a funeral and that's why they were acting like that
It isn't an excuse to act like that but i know i would've done the same if it weren't for the fact that i'm mostly thinking twice about what i do and what i say
My question is,
Has it always been this toxic and insensitive?
Yeah it's toxic but I'm a tumblr dweller I just learned how to avoid stuff that will make me react bad. Some people have no filter and theres a lot of minors or just immature people in this tipe of site unfortunately
01 06,2021