If you happen to be around a monkey, you might be inclined to feed it a banana. But the fact is, bananas contain far too much sugar for monkeys to handle. "Giving this fruit to animals is equivalent to giving them cake and chocolate," according to Amy Plowman, head of conservation and advocacy at the Paignton Zoo in Devon, U.K. "Compared to the food they would eat in the wild, bananas … have lots of calories and contain much more sugar that's bad for their teeth and can lead to diabetes and similar conditions. It can also cause gastrointestinal problems as their stomachs are mostly adapted to eating fibrous foods with very low digestibility."
Why does cartoon showcase false information to kids, and since they're kids the information is literally in printed to their brains. Like- i thought quicksand was really dangerous and deep, do you know how much betrayed i felt when i found out quicksand wasn't all that much??? reply
I mean, the ones that are cultivated for human consumption sure. But monkeys eat wild bananas in the wild all the time. Wild bananas are just vastly different from the ones we know and love, they're full of seeds and aren't nearly as sweet reply