your biggest fear/ phobia
everyone has a fear. whether it's big or small, it has a huge meaning and impact on/to a person
fear does scary things to a person. even if someone acts strong or shows no emotions, something that they fear can turn them into someone else in one's eyes
there's that... myth you could call it, that like how the birthmarks we have received since birth could be the scar or the reason we have died in our past lives, just like our biggest phobias/ fears are because of what had happened to us or how we died in our past lives.
i find it really interesting that such ideas were thought of and spread, believed and thought so thoroughly of by many.
one of my biggest fears is the dark. it sounds so simple and anyone could think it is stupid. i once read somewhere:
"people fear the darkness because they do not know what lurks in the shadows."
and i feel like i can relate to that completely, not being able to see what is in front or behind me or beside me, it's just scary.
i also have a fear of clustered holes, or as some of you may have heard of- trypophobia: an aversion to the sight of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes, or bumps. it's not like all holes make me so scared that when i see one i scream and run away. it's only certain patterns and images make me feel repulsive, disgusted.
so what's a phobia or fear of yours, i would really like to know and see who else can also relate to yours! maybe your causes or reason are similar!!
Pediophobia & Catoptrophobia.
My phobias are not severed to the point of me having panic attack or something, I can only think of two reasons why I'm so terrified of dolls or any type of stuff toy is because of watching doll horror movies or hundred of dolls in my house because of my mom buying these creepy dolls. I don't like receiving gifts th......
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17 06,2019