
NekuChan NekuChan 2016-09-29 18:47:37 About being awake for far too long
I suffer from insomnia so when my sleeping pills go out I basically have to be up. At first (when I didn't have insomnia) it was like a game to me, like "how many hours can I stay up without passing out".. That was really dumb, obviously. Since I stayed up all night I obviously slept through the day like a rock. And then during middle school I got insomnia and sleep became like a blessing to me. Sleep is love. Sleep is life. I love you sleep. :*


melanie October 16, 2016 9:46 pm

i have insomnia too, and it messed up my life at school T.T ┗( T﹏T )┛

NekuChan October 18, 2016 1:03 pm

I know how you feel... I had the same problem in middle school. The only advice I can give you is to speak with the school nurse about your insomnia and how it affects your school life. Maybe they can get you a therapist and a doctor who can prescribe you some pills. Just know that you aren't alone and that there are people around you who are willing to help you get better sleep! Wish you luck ^^

melanie October 16, 2016 9:45 pm

i have insomnia too, and it messed up my life at school T.T

SkeletonUndies September 30, 2016 1:11 am

hi, i have depression and insominia is one of the many symptoms. I recently visited my therapist and she taught me breathing exercises that can help make you sleepy. Basically breathe in for four, hold for 7, and release for 8. Repeat. I know it sounds stupid but it actually worked for me. Ake sure to clear yohr mind while doing this and be relaxed. She said exercise helps also.

NekuChan October 3, 2016 6:31 pm

Thank you for sharing your methods. I'll try and see for myself if it works (for me, at least) ^^

AKA September 29, 2016 10:18 pm

I have a mental illness, and it screws up my brain, we need to chemically recreate the REM sleep cycle with medication and I have not been able to sleep a full good night in 20 years, I am 27. With the help of new doctors and so on we are trying but it still sucks...but I am also an artist and get my best work done at night...I think I have owl blood in me they call me "little bat" but yes sleep is like a drug...once you hit that sweet deep goodness, that is like touching the sky!!! 12:15am in SA now so yeah, search for yaoi is on...also doing nails, taking meds, building gift boxes, designing pillows and towels and dolls faces, painting...until my pills finally decide to fall asleep. Just laying here makes me think bad thoughts, no time for that...I tire myself out with hobbies...don't ask how but it works

NekuChan October 3, 2016 6:51 pm

I know exactly what you mean. I have to keep myself busy with something, too, to tire myself out. I have depression and usually during the night all the stress and bad harmful thoughts come out, so I usually just watch videos or listen to music to distract myself from them. So far it has worked for me, but I'm still scared that I'm going to be dependant on the sleeping pills for the rest of my life... and reading your message, the part about not being able to sleep well in 20 years just makes me terrified for myself, if I'll ever get to sleep without taking the medication.. (I'm 17 By the way) I'm also scared that I'll never get rid of this damned disease, which then gives me even MORE stress, which makes it even harder to fall asleep, even when on meds... *Sigh* Oh well. I'll just read Yaoi since that's all I can think of lol

AKA October 3, 2016 6:56 pm
I know exactly what you mean. I have to keep myself busy with something, too, to tire myself out. I have depression and usually during the night all the stress and bad harmful thoughts come out, so I usually ju... NekuChan

Took me 20 years to get the right help...I found a doc who realised that I was misdiagnosed and was not bipolar 2 but have a personality disorder and anxiety that causes this. The meds I am on now is helping a lot since I am trying to start a new business and university and all that those stresses keep me up but I am trying to balance my life out. Being on meds for life is better than suffering "naturally" believe me. I am ten years older than you so let me spare you ten years more of suffering...find a doc who is willing to help. No shame is needing medication, some brains just cannot produce the REM cycle you need. Take meds, unless you later find a way to get better rest. Wish you best of luck, if you ever want to talk or vent or anything, send me a message and I will listen. I know how hard it is at your age, maybe I can help wish I had someone when I was your age. Don't have to, but I am here every day if you want.

NekuChan October 3, 2016 7:12 pm
Took me 20 years to get the right help...I found a doc who realised that I was misdiagnosed and was not bipolar 2 but have a personality disorder and anxiety that causes this. The meds I am on now is helping a... AKA

Thank you, I'll keep that in mind. Wish you best of luck as well. :)

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